Higher Education


Supporting Trade and Technology to Generate Industrial Connections



A higher education course aimed at strengthening the strategic collaboration with the USA, designed by the Federmanager Academy on behalf of the Transatlantic Investment Committee, inaugurated in October 2021 at the presence of the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and of the Heads of the Italian Embassy in Washington, DC and the of USA Diplomatic Mission in Italy. The Transatlantic Investment Committee was created on the initiative of the Amerigo Association, the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, the Center for American Studies and Federmanager. The “STRATegic way to the USA: Supporting TRade and Technology to Generate Business and Networking” programme will start on May 3rd, with 15 sessions run by high-level spokespersons, mostly Americans or Italians living and working in the USA.


More than highly specialized executive training, it’s a tool to become part of a select group of managers, businessmen, investors, professionals from the research system and institutions, interested in increasing the level of competitiveness of their realities, thanks to an effective partnership with the United States. The course takes its cue from the broader framework of the Trade and Technology Council, recently signed by the United States and the European Commission, and offers participants the opportunity to become part of a prestigious transatlantic community, thanks to which they will also be able to compare, according to a “hands-on” approach, the opportunities that may arise from the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and the Build Back Better program of the White House. The program will conclude at the end of October with an event at the Italian Embassy in Washington.

The organization of the course responds to the need to take into account the scenario that the twenties of this century offer to the world, with unprecedented challenges especially on the side of technologies and its strategic perimeter, the issues related to exports, value chains, reshoring and related investments, for which, moreover, issues related to social, economic and environmental sustainability along the intertemporal axis become increasingly relevant. Drawing inspiration from and focusing on the themes and tools indicated in the recent Pittsburgh document of the Trade and Technology Council, the course has been developed following a strategic approach. Through lectures and the opportunity to develop project work and access to a Study Tour, the course aims to create a new class of managers and entrepreneurs able to better relate with their American counterparts, to effectively develop co-investment initiatives in the field of technologies and products with high added value, with specific attention to industry, the twin transitions (digital and sustainability) – and the market for new strategic infrastructure. The knowledge and strategic collaboration between companies of different sizes, located in Italian and U.S. districts and production areas that are integrated with each other in a productive logic, is one of the desirable outcomes of the path
Experienced managers, CEOs looking for reference points for strategic choices, CFOs thinking about investment plans, scale up founders with international programs. The whole course is oriented to create contamination and a vibrant training ecosystem. The objective of this course is to develop competencies in the business areas with the highest strategic competitiveness for the two countries, while creating a solid, recognizable and reliable community among those who have already worked (5-10 years) with at least another country, and who are particularly suited to start or strengthen strategic initiatives together with US counterparts. A participation reserve has been imagined for managers who are currently unemployed, so as to provide an opportunity for them, but also for companies that are looking for qualified figures for foreign markets. The same method applies to some scale-up founders or their experts.


15 thematically focused training modules of 2 hours each, to which will be added a Q&A session of about 30 minutes. The time will always be from 17 to 19.30.
From 2 to 4 sessions/month, from May 3rd to October, therefore a monthly commitment of 5- 10 hours/month.

Bruxelles, 27 09 2022

Transatlantic Investment Committe – Bruxelles

Washington, 28 10 2022

Italian Embassy: closing of Course e
delivery of certificates.

Study Tour

Possibility of attending a Study Tour on American territory – if health restrictions allow it – reserved for those who will be the first to enroll in the course: the Study Tour will provide an exclusive path for a maximum of 30 participants, and early birds will have priority over others who have attended the course. The Study Tour is scheduled close to the Certificate Ceremony and has an additional fee.

6 Training Basic Modules
The partnership between Italy and the United States in the new economic,technological and geopolitical scenarios: the proposal of the TIC

Andrea Gumina, Senior Policy Advisor to the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of the Amerigo Association
May 3rd 2022, 5-7.30 PM CEST

Working and developing partnerships and investments with a transatlantic perspective: key regulations, incentives and issues in Italy and the United States

Charles Bernardini, Nixon Peabody Law Firm Partner,
former Milan American Chamber of Commerce Managing Director and Chicago Italian Chamber of Commerce President
May 10th 2022, 5-7.30 PM CEST

Firm Valuation and Accounting Analysis: a Perspective from the USA

Stephen Penman, Accounting Professor at the Columbia School of Business, Columbia
University, NYC
May 18th 2022, 5-7.30 PM CEST

KPI for High Effective Performance: How to Measure Performance doing Business with the USA

Tim Baldenius, Columbia University, and Mascia Ferrari, Visiting Professor at the Stern
School of Business, New York University
May 24th 2022, 5-7.30 PM CEST

The main contractual issues in the development of partnerships with the USA: operational indications and cautions to adopt (with some concrete cases)

Alessandro Albicini, Bologna Albicini Law firm owner, international contract law expert, Chamber of Commerce and Association teacher
May 31st 2022, 5-7.30 PM CEST

Forms of partnership in the field of technological innovation: fiscal and corporate aspects of investments in technology companies and interventions of Venture Capital

Antonietta Demaio, Senior Legal Partner di TVLP Institute, San Francisco
June 7th 2022, 5-7.30 PM CEST


These 9 sessions will largely follow the themes of the Working Groups as scheduled by the recent Pittsburgh Trade and Technology Council, with some additional points on the needs of enterprises. The names of the Lecturers are being defined, precisely because experts of exceptional value are being selected: for the state of the art of the Faculty, write to info@federmanageracademy.it.

9 Advanced Training Modules
Technology Standards and Innovation: an Overview from the Italian Innovation and Culture Hub in San Francisco, and the Skills needed in Advanced Technology Companies

The objective of this session is to illustrate the aspects that are strengthening European and US technology in areas such as radical innovation, Artificial Intelligence, increased connectivity, and issues related to emerging technologies considered of fundamental importance in the vision of the WTO: all this compared with what other realities with different value frameworks and alliances are doing, and seen from the perspective of synergies between the US and Europe.

The Supply Chain in the «New Normal» and the Possible Sinergy between USA and Europe

The pandemic has only brought to the extreme consequences what was already a theme of vital importance for the exchange between the two sides of the Atlantic: a Supply Chain that, dispersed and often not rationalized, must become green and sustainable, lean and operational, digitized and therefore better dedicated to develop diversification and resilience of the chain itself. In particular, the focus will be on the Supply Chain in the production of semiconductors, as a strategic and crucial technological resource in many high value-added sectors.

Climate and Clean Tech

This session aims to convey qualifying knowledge on the best use of
technologies to identify and solve climate problems and to develop the most effective Research & Development, also involving third countries, in order to make technologies less far from a “zero impact” on the Environment.
Another qualifying aspect, in this in-depth session, is the intention to explore
the use of methodologies and tools to reduce to zero, on a global level,
the emissions of greenhouse gases, the consumption of water and other natural resources. e 17-19,30

The Ways to Finance Technology, Business and SMEs in the USA

With a view to promoting inclusive economic growth that benefits people on both sides of the Atlantic, this session will address issues of funding for technologically advanced businesses and the U.S. entrepreneurial and managerial infrastructure in general. In fact, it is specifically about fostering inclusive growth for middle-class and low-income people, with a focus on the opportunities that such financing can generate for small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs).

Information and Communication Technology and Services (ICTS): Security and Competitiveness

This session will address issues relevant to ensuring the security, diversity,
interoperability, and resilience of Information and Communications Technology and
Services (ICTS), including sensitive areas such as 5G, undersea cables, data centers, and cloud infrastructure. Useful topics for strengthening research and innovation cooperation for 5G and 6G systems will be addressed, thus ensuring that the European Union and the United States can develop a common vision and roadmap to prepare for the next generation of communications technologies that increase data security.

Data Governance and Technology Platforms. Misuse of Technology Threatening Security andHuman Rights (focus onArtificial Intelligence)

The first objective will be the commitment to oppose any arbitrary and illegal surveillance method, preventing its invasiveness towards the Atlantic countries; to protect human rights organizations in their online dimension; to prevent any attempt of data and information manipulation by foreign countries, while developing a reliable and accurate Artificial Intelligence, which is also a growth driver for companies.

Export Controls, Investment Screening, Sanctions

In this session will be analyzed the best practices of evaluation of “dual-use” technologies
for the benefit of the two US-EU, the implementation of a system
of control of digital borders with special attention to emerging technologies, the
management of a correct and useful policy of protection of cross-investments.
Secondly, it will be examined the theme of Export to third countries, and the cases in which
sanctions are applied, with the ways to take appropriate measures to manage the impact of these in due time.

Promoting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Access to and Use of Digital Tools

The main objective of this session is to transfer methodologies and tools to promote the access to Digital tools by those SMEs and Micro Enterprises that currently have a low degree of use of new digital technologies, and that risk losing competitiveness against competitors at the level of global opportunities.

Global Trade Challenges (end of the course)

This session sees the commitment of all stakeholders to focus on those market policies that are not free, but controlled by States, which prevent fair competition between economic and financial systems, imposing, among other things, duties, customs clauses or currency barriers. Emphasis is placed on tools to promote a proper policy of protection of workers’ rights, decent working conditions, and sustainable competition, fair and based on clear and transparent rules, as well as respected by all.