The Transatlantic Investment Committee or T.I.C., was started as a project in October 2021, founded by the AMERIGO Association, the American Chamber of Commerce – Italy, the American Studies Center and Federmanager, in close collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in the United States and of the US Embassy in Italy.
T.I.C. draws in inspiration from the work of the Trade and Technology Council , promoted by the European Union and the United States in September 2021, and aims to strengthen ties between our countries in the field of industrial and research co-investments, with particular attention to emerging technologies.
In 2022, the program was further enriched thanks to discussions with numerous Italian and international stakeholders – including Confindustria, Luiss Guido Carli University, Unioncamere, CEO4Life – and also obtained the patronage of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces.
They were also leaders in our T.I.C. events, which were further joined by other organisations such as; the Italian Embassies to the Kingdom of Belgium, the Italian Permanent Representation to the European Commission, the US Embassy to the Kingdom of Belgium, the US Diplomatic Mission to the European Commission, the European Network of American Alumni, the Transatlantic Alumni Network, ISPI, the Atlantic Council and important Italian and US experts, coming from various organizations and institutions with which a discussion has begun – including CDP, EIF, SIMEST, SelectUSA, Department of Commerce, US Chamber of Commerce, SCSP, NIAF

We aim to raise $4 Billion and is dedicated to investing in the strategic technologies of the Trade and Technology Council
Facing technological innovation needs and the strategic requirements through tailored higher education programs Starting from an Executive Master’s Degree with six Universities coordinated by Luiss Guido Carli University

The T.I.C was created to maximize the joint potential of American, Italian, and European production entities and centres of excellence in the broader context of the social and geopolitical transitions underway.
Today the T.I.C. is a non-profit legal entity under Italian law, which aims to transform itself into a Euro-Atlantic Foundation in a few weeks’ time, so as to support the birth and development of three major initiatives starting from 2023: the first Transatlantic Fund of Funds , the first Transatlantic Executive Master Degree , and a Policy Report dedicated to Transatlantic Investments.
Strengthen industrial competitiveness
Pursue joint strategic autonomy
Develop technologies together to face the challenges of the decade
Promote a constructive debate on investment policies
The activities of the T.I.C. are part of a global context characterized by profound paradigm shifts: technologies, many of which are disruptive, and socio-economic transformations which in the decade that has just begun – not surprisingly defined by many as the “pivot decade” – will impact the work, health and sometimes on the very concept of “humanity”. In this scenario, an epochal geopolitical repositioning is also underway, with effects on the very meaning of multilateralism as it has been understood in the last twenty years, and in which new formats find space, such as the US-EU Trade and Technology Council, which aim to enhance collaboration in the commercial field and on innovations of two areas of the world that have numerous values and points of reference in common
The T.I.C. wants to become the catalyst for the most brilliant intelligence in terms of investments in the Euro-Atlantic area, to support the competitive potential of our countries and pursue a long-lasting and sustainable joint strategic autonomy of Europe, the United States and other “like-minded” countries.
- Investments
- Research
- Development
- Report
- Exchange
- Higher Education
The significant challenges facing humanity, starting with the management of twin transitions, along with the need to maintain the high capacity of European and American industry and institutions to respond to ongoing geopolitical changes and market demands, making investment in this type of innovation an essential requirement for both the public and private sectors.
Being central to many of the strategies that will need to be adopted in the coming years, coupled with the opportunity to strengthen the positioning of like-minded countries in key sectors for the development and economic and social growth of the area, also makes investment in advanced technologies a significant alternative to ensure adequate rates of returns to investors in a period of uncertainty regarding inflation, interest rates, and economic trends.
Proprio per questi motivi, il TIC ha avviato un tavolo di lavoro cui partecipano tra gli altri Fondo Europeo degli Investimenti e Cassa Depositi e Prestiti , che mira a disegnare e lanciare il Primo Fondo dei Fondi Transatlantico, dedicato ad accelerare la crescita di scale-up che operino in alcuni dei settori tecnologici di maggiore rilevanza per il Trade and Technology Council. In queste settimane, il TIC sta provvedendo a completare una prima proposta tecnica relativa a questo strumento, che verrà a breve presentato ufficialmente in sede europea e poi negli Stati Uniti.